Online Shop : Business Moslem's Shirt

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim ...
Alhamdulillah friend Clothes for New Muslimah, current edition of the story (Story Edition) and we'll tell you how we really get started in the world of online business?
Our online business where it leads to various Shirts and Clothing Muslimah, so initially we love to do Preorder because we are happy to collect Accessories Muslimah.
Once Ana (Admin 2) are roving around campus looking for kosher food, tayyibah, inexpensive, tasty, and many (Understandably ukh, student:-)).
So at that moment I immediately Send Messages to Admin 1 with the contents of the message: "Selling Rice Napa? The Anti clever cook ukh? Later Ana who buy ...:-)",
wes nyampek smsnya story here wae:-), then from where we started this small business that sells Assorted Clothing and Clothing, by dividing the tasks as follows:
1. Admin 1 task that handles all transactions and promotion in social networks, such as FB, or fuel for Admin 1 is Faknya in Tier One Statistics (S1 Statistics) so Admin 1 pintarr very tuch problems or analyzing survey business opportunity:-)
2. Admin 2 job staring at your PC or Laptop to promote it on the website or webblog and utilize other media for promotion, because Admin 2 majoring in Multimedia Networks and Information Engineering.
from where we were until now have started running to pursue Online Business, we are still learning to crawl in the Business World Online. So sometimes, we lose up to 4,000,000 more because there are people who message but disappear when we have the goods shipped, it was Bitter As the Online Business. but That's Nothing for us because it is a bleaching for our sins ...
for that, we opened Reseller / DROPSHIP for my saudara2 interested to jointly build an Online Business this together ..
Here's our motto in air-Business Online:
1. Our Trade is our Worship ...
2. Our service is our offerings ...
3. Profit is our Rizky ...
4. Loss is our repentance ...
5. Honesty is our vehicle ...
6. Our Reseller is our crown ...
7. Price We are our brotherhood ...
8. Join us by way of shopping with us and become our DropShip ...
Maybe it's our Story about Online Business Edition Assorted Clothing and Muslim Clothing Cheap and Quality ...:-)

* Silaturrahim with us at: or 7D98DAAB / or other 52AB7DA3 at nobile phone: 087755005001/082334405579 (Call Not Allowed, SMS only)

Admin 1 :
Nama : Nurul Samsiyah
PM di : 7D98DAAB
Hp : 087755005001 (SMS Only)

Admin 2
Nama : Aisyah Al Fatimatul Jannah
PM di : 52AB7DA3
Hp : 082334405579 (SMS Only)

Note :
*Harga belum termasuk Ongkos Kirim
*Format Pesan Melalui SMS : 
*Nama Lengkap#Alamat Lengkap#No HP#Nama Produk#Kode Produk#Jumlah Pemesanan
*Jika Kode Barang tidak ada maka kode barang terdapat pada Gambar

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